Sunday 28 April 2013








22.04.2013 (MONDAY)
12.50-2.00 PM
Listening and reading
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) write a message or an email – B1DT1E1
b) complete an application form – B1DT2E1
Language for writing simple messages
a) The teacher begins the lesson by informing the students once again that they will be sitting for a “PBS” test. The teacher distributes PBS worksheets that will test band 1 which are B1DT1E1 and B1DT2E1.
b) For the first worksheet (B1DT1E1), the teacher reads out the instruction for the students to understand. Then, she tells them to do the first worksheet as she explains the meanings of words in the application form.
c) Once this first worksheet is done, she moves on to the second worksheet (B1DT2E1). The students are to listen to her reading a short text. The teacher explains each sentence to the students as they have a lot of difficulty to understand English words.
d) Then, the teacher explains how to write a short message. She gives them some blanks to fill in with words that they have to find from the given short text.
e) When the students have answered all of the questions, the teacher collects their answer scripts.
f) Before the lesson ends, the teacher reminds them to bring their writing exercise books on Thursday.
All of the students passed on both worksheets.



23.04.2013 (ISNIN)
2.00 – 3.10 PM
Bab 7: Potensi dan Halangan Bentuk Muka Bumi Kepada Kegiatan Manusia
Menjawab soalan PBS – B4D2E1
Buku teks Geografi Tingkatan 1
Pada akhir pembelajaran, pelajar akan dapat:
a) menghuraikan kepentingan ciri bentuk muka bumi di Malaysia
Bertanggungjawab, Menghargai keunikan bentuk muka bumi di Malaysia
a) Sebelum guru mengedarkan soalan band 4 untuk bab 7, guru menerangkan sekali lagi kepentingan kawasan tanah tinggi, tanah pamah, saliran dan pinggir laut di Malaysia.
b) Kemudian, guru mengedarkan soalan band 4 dan menerangkan arahan kepada pelajar
c) Pelajar diminta menjawab secara individu dan diberikan masa untuk menjawab.
d) Pada akhir masa, guru mengutip kertas jawapan pelajar.
e) Sebelum kelas ditamatkan, guru mengingatkan pelajar sekali lagi untuk bersedia menjawab soalan band 4 pada hari Khamis.
RPH ini tidak dapat dijalankan. Kesemua pelajar perempuan dari tingkatan 2 telah dikehendaki menghadiri satu taklimat di dewan Sri Sadong berkenaan dengan hal disiplin. Oleh itu, guru hanya dapat menjalankan kuiz untuk menguji pemahaman pelajar mengenai bab 6 dan 7 di dalam kelas. Semua pelajar lelaki telah diminta untuk duduk dalam kumpulan yang mengandungi 5 atau 6 orang pelajar. Kumpulan yang mendapat markah tertinggi akan diberikan hadiah pada hari Khamis nanti. Secara umum, kebanyakan pelajar masih ingat pelajaran lalu mengenai 2 bab ini.



23.04.2013 (MONDAY)
5.10 – 6.20 PM
Literature: The novel – Around The World In 80 Days
Learning how to write an essay on the novel: Describe a main character in the novel
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) elaborate 3 main ideas that describe how Phileas is a determined character by supporting them using examples from the novel
b) write 5 paragraphs for the essay
c) use simple present tense when writing the essay
d) use events from the novel to explain the 3 main ideas
Language for informational use
a) Before the lesson begins, the teacher asks the students the differences between a minor character and a major character. Students are expected to say that a minor character only supports a major character and that they do not change or grow during the story, which is the opposite of the meaning of the major character who dominates in the story as his or her characteristics develop or change. With this in mind, the teacher asks the students to give some examples of major and minor characters. The students are also expected to say that a major character will be Phileas while a minor character will be Aouda.
b) Then, the teacher writes the question on the board, entitled, “Desribe a major character in the novel”. She guides the students to identify the key words in the question by highlighting them.
c) Next, the students are asked to identify the suitable tense and some useful vocabulary to be used in the essay.
d) After that, the teacher illustrates on the board how the ideas are organized in the essay by using a mindmap and a brief overview of the paragraphs.
e) Next, the teacher illustrates how sentences for the introduction, the body of the essay and the conclusion are constructed by using the ideas that have been brainstormed in the mind map. She gets some students to stand up and give examples of sentences to signal the topic sentence, the elaboration, the example and the mini conclusion for each paragraph.
f) When this essay is done, the students are asked to copy this sample essay into their exercise books.
g) Before the lesson ends, the teacher reminds the students to be ready to do a revision on summary writing on Wednesday.
The essay was completed in class. However, this is only the second exercise on writing an essay on the novel. The students will be given another question on Monday next week as part of revision for the coming May examinations. The students have not fully understood how to look for examples to help support the elaborant



16.04.2013 (TUESDAY)
12.50 – 2.00 PM
Opinions – Are Examinations Necessary?
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) construct sentences using simple present tense
b) write 4 sentences for each paragraph that contains a main idea
c) use sequence connectors to begin new paragraphs
Language for learning purpose
a) Teacher continues the lesson that was supposed to be carried out last week on Wednesday. The teacher will guide the students how to write the essay based on the 7 steps to writing a good essay that she has introduced in the class.
b) She moves on to the introduction where the students are asked to construct 2 sentences using the information in the question. She gives them 5 minutes to write the first sentence. At the end of this time, she calls 3 students to read out their sentences which the teacher will write on the board. Then, she checks for grammatical errors.
c) Next, she also gives another 5 minutes for them to write the second sentence for the introduction by referring to the information in the question. At the end of this time, she calls another 3 students to read out their sentences, which the teacher writes on the board.
d) The teacher edits them and finally writes suitable sentences for the introduction based on the correct sentences that the students have given.
e) Next, the teacher gets the students to write the first topic sentence for the second paragraph by using the first main idea. They are given 5 minutes to do this on their own. Another 3 students are called to read out their sentences before they are corrected by the teacher. The most suitable sentence is written on the board which the students copy down.
f) This process is repeated with the rest of the sentences for the elaboration, the example and the mini conclusion in order to get the students to participate actively in the lesson and to prevent the teacher from spoon-feeding the students.
h) The conclusion will be done by the teacher. She shows how to sum up the whole essay in one sentence. This is done by looking at the students’ stand which is they are against examinations
i) Before the lesson ends, the teacher asks the students to repeat the most important step to writing the introduction and the elaboration for the main idea as well as how to give examples for the elaboration.
This essay could not be completed in the class. The teacher found out that the students still waited for the teacher to give answers. So, the teacher has decided to only dedicate the day’s lesson by only learning how to write the introduction and the second paragraph. However, the students were very slow in applying the steps that the teacher has taught in class. For example, they continued to forget that the ideas for the introduction could be extracted from the question. Hence, the teacher had to use a lot of time to get the students to really look at what is important in the question. Only 1 out of 3 students who were asked to write the first sentence for the introduction was able to fulfill the task. The same student was also able to give the second sentence for the introduction while the rest of the class did not respond or give any constructive input. The teacher has reminded the students to do the second paragraph as homework before it is discussed again in class during Wednesday class.  



24.04.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
2.00 – 3.10 PM
Opinions – The disadvantages of excessive television viewing
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) construct sentences using simple present tense
b) write 4 sentences for each paragraph that contains a main idea
c) write an essay on opinions using the correct format
d) use sequence connectors to begin new paragraphs
Language for learning purpose
a) Teacher begins the lesson by asking the students to explain to her if excessive watching of television has any advantages or disadvantages. The students respond while the teacher listens.
b) Then, the teacher tells the students to read a question that the teacher has written on the board. She relates students’ opinions with what is being asked in the question.
c) She gets the students to highlight key words in the question, to identify the tense and useful vocabulary to be used in the essay. She also gives them a rough layout for an essay on opinions.
d) Next, she demonstrates how to organize the points given by outlining the number of sentences and key words to be used in each paragraph.
e) Then, she shows how to build a suitable title for the essay by using key words in the question.
f) After that, she moves on to the introduction where the students are asked to construct 2 sentences using the information in the question.
g) The rest of the 4 paragraphs for the body of the essay is done by both the teacher and the students. The teacher begins the first sentence for each paragraph while the students are asked to construct the second, the third and the fourth sentences for each paragraph. This is because each paragraph will have 4 sentences.
h) The conclusion will also be done by the students. This is done by looking at the students’ stand which is excessive television viewing brings more disadvantages than advantages
The students were able to start the topic sentences for the first and the second main ideas. However, they would always have trouble elaborating and looking for examples. They had to be prompted by the teacher. This is done by getting them to answer Wh-questions such as Why to help with the elaboration and How to help them find suitable examples. That said they were able to give some useful words but would always have problem writing it down in a full sentence. Hence, the teacher could only concentrate on the introduction and the second paragraphs. The rest of the essay will be done in class on Thursday.



24.04.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
5.10 – 6.20 PM
Opinions – Are Examinations Necessary?
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) construct sentences using simple present tense
b) write 4 sentences for each paragraph that contains a main idea
c) use sequence connectors to begin new paragraphs
Language for learning purpose
a) The teacher continues the unfinished essay on opinions in class. She gets the students to take out their exercise books.
b) She chooses 3 exercise books where she copies down the students’ work on the board. Then she corrects their sentences and chooses the best sentences before she completes the second paragraph on the board.
c) The rest of the 2 paragraphs for the second and the third main ideas is done by the students in the class. The teacher gives 5 minutes for them to work on each of the 4 sentences in each paragraph. At the end of this time, she calls students to read out their sentences before she corrects them.  
d) The students are asked to copy down the corrected sentences and resume the unfinished essay.
e) Once this is done, the teacher also asks 3 students to write a conclusion for the essay before they are corrected by the teacher.
i) The essay is completed in the class and before the lesson ends, the teacher reminds the students that they will do an English oral test on Tuesday next week.
The teacher checked the students’ work on their second paragraph. However, only 3 students managed to complete their homework while the rest did not. The teacher were upset but showed to them how to write the second paragraph as most of them did not know how to elaborate the first main idea. Once the paragraph was completed, the teacher showed to them how to elaborate the second main idea. She found out that they have very little idea of what the second main idea meant. In general, the students could barely make constructive reasoning based on the topic. They were very slow in their cognitive ability and depended on clues from the teacher. However, the fourth and the fifth paragraphs were assigned as homework and will be submitted on Friday this week.



25.04.2013 (THURSDAY)
12.50 – 2.00 PM
Opinion: The Disadvantages of Excessive Television Viewing
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) construct sentences using simple present tense
b) write 3 sentences for each paragraph that contains a main idea
c) write an essay on opinions using the correct format
d) use sequence connectors to begin new paragraphs
Language for learning purpose
a) The teacher continues the unfinished essay on opinions in class. She gets the students to take out their exercise books.
b) She chooses 3 exercise books where she copies down the students’ work on the board. Then she corrects their sentences and chooses the best sentences before she completes the second paragraph on the board.
c) The rest of the 2 paragraphs for the second and the third main ideas is done by the students in the class. The teacher gives 5 minutes for them to work on each of the 4 sentences in each paragraph. At the end of this time, she calls students to read out their sentences before she corrects them. 
d) The students are asked to copy down the corrected sentences and resume the unfinished essay.
e) Once this is done, the teacher also asks 3 students to write a conclusion for the essay before they are corrected by the teacher.
i) The essay is completed in the class and before the lesson ends, the teacher reminds the students that they will do an English oral test on Tuesday next week.
The students were more ready to volunteer in class when the teacher encouraged them to not fear making mistakes before the examinations. They were able to elaborate and give examples in their paragraphs but with major grammatical mistakes such as the usage of ‘can’ and ‘also’ in a sentence like “The children can also develop bad eyesight” which the students often write as “The children also can develop bad eyesight”. They also have very limited vocabulary to express their ideas. So, the teacher substituted some repeated verbs with synonyms. The last 2 paragraphs for the essay are assigned as homework which the students must submit on Friday.



25.04.2013 (THURSDAY)
2.35 – 3.10 PM
Reading and vocabulary
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) identify words of the same meaning (synonyms) – B2DB1E1
Language for informational use
a) Before starting the lesson, the teacher explains the meaning of the word ‘synonyms’ to the students as the lesson for the day will be about looking for synonyms from a text. She gives an example of synonyms for ‘stupid’ such as brainless, slow, foolish and unintelligent to name a few.
b) Next, the teacher moves on the PBS question by distributing the worksheets to the students. There will be a long text entitled, “Flood Woes” which the teacher has to read and explain what it means.
c) After that, she moves on to Activity 1 where the students are to study the words and look for other words with the same meanings to replace the given words as they are used in the text. The teacher guides them how to do this as they may have difficulty understanding what the given words mean.
d) This activity may take up as much as 30 minutes to do as the teacher anticipate some comprehension difficulty on the part of the student.s
e) When they have finished this, the teacher collects students’ answer scripts.
f) Before the lesson ends, the teacher reminds them that they will have to do Activity 2 and Activity 3 during Friday lesson as this worksheet will be continued.
The students did not understand the meaning of all 5 of the given words in Activity 1. The teacher had to intervene by reading out some sentences which have synonyms for the given words. What they did was they had to guess which of the words are synonyms. They had to write their own answer as the teacher stopped giving any assistance at this point. It is found out that only



25.04.2013 (KHAMIS)
4.35 – 5.45 PM
Bab 7: Potensi dan Halangan Bentuk Muka Bumi Kepada Kegiatan Manusia
a) Melengkapkan jadual dengan huraian potensi bentuk muka bumi untuk kawasan tanah tinggi, tanah pamah, saliran dan pinggir laut di Malaysia
Buku teks Geografi Tingkatan 1
Pada akhir pembelajaran, pelajar akan dapat:
a) menyenaraikan potensi kawasan tanah tinggi, tanah pamah, saliran dan pinggir laut di Malaysia – B4D2E1
Bertanggungjawab, Menghargai keunikan bentuk muka bumi di Malaysia
a) Guru meminta pelajar membuka buku nota untuk mengulangkaji semula nota yang diberikan oleh guru berkenaan potensi kawasan tanah tinggi, tanah pamah, saliran dan pinggir laut di Malaysia.
b) Pelajar diberikan masa selama 5 minit untuk membaca nota mereka semula.
c) Kemudian, guru mengedarkan soalan PBS kepada pelajar. Guru menjelaskan arahan dan langkah menulis jawapan.
d) Pelajar diberikan masa selama 20 minit untuk menjawab soalan ini.
e) Pada akhir masa, guru mengutip kertas jawapan pelajar.
f) Sebelum kelas diakhiri, guru mengingatkan pelajar untuk bersedia belajar bab baru pada minggu hadapan.
Hanya 2 orang pelajar tidak hadir. Kesemua 31 orang pelajar telah menguasai band ini.


26.04.2013 (FRIDAY)
4.00 – 5.10 PM
Reading and vocabulary
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) identify words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms) – B2DB1E1
Language for informational use
a) The teacher continues the PBS question for B2DB1E1. This time she firstly informs the students on the meaning of antonyms as this will be the theme for Activity 2. She gives an example for other words with the opposite meaning for ‘stupid’ such as intelligent and sensible to name a few.
b) Then, she moves on to Activity 2 where there will be 5 given words. The teacher explains the meaning of each word and reads out a sentence from the text where the opposite of the given word can be found. She also explains what the sentence means before the students are supposed to identify which is the correct answer. This process is repeated for the rest of the given words in Activity 2 until the students complete it.
c) Once they are done, the teacher moves on to Activity 3. For this activity, the teacher explains that they have to give words or phrases that represent the groups of words given in Activity 3 or hypernyms. She gives an example such as the word fruit that represent words such as apple, banana, rambutan and durian to name a few.
d) In order to assist the students who have limited knowledge of words or phrases useful to complete this activity, the teacher gives them a list of possible answers which the students will have to choose from.
e) But before doing this exercise, the teacher will have to explain the given words before the students can choose from the list. This process is repeated for the rest of the questions in this activity.
f) Once all of these 2 activities are completed, the teacher collects students’ answer scripts.
g) Before the lesson ends, the teacher asks them what they have learned in class about synonyms, antonyms and hypernyms.
All of the students passed this band. However, the teacher had to give a lot of key words to help them choose the best synonyms, antonyms and hypernyms. They received a lot of help in order to complete these 3 activities.



26.04.2013 (FRIDAY)
5.10 – 6.20  PM
Literature: The novel – Around The World In 80 Days
a) Notes for Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8
b) Learning how to write an essay on the novel: Describe a main
character in the novel
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
a) complete notes for Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8
b) elaborate 3 main ideas that describe how Phileas is a determined
character by supporting them using examples from the novel
c) write 5 paragraphs for the essay
d) use simple present tense when writing the essay
e) use events from the novel to explain the 3 main ideas
Language for informational use
a) For this lesson, the teacher uses 2 periods to complete notes for Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8. The students are to copy down these notes into their exercise books.
b) Before the next activity begins, the teacher asks the students the differences between a minor character and a major character. Students are expected to say that a minor character only supports a major character and that they do not change or grow during the story, which is the opposite of the meaning of the major character who dominates in the story as his or her characteristics develop or change. With this in mind, the teacher asks the students to give some examples of major and minor characters. The students are also expected to say that a major character will be Phileas while a minor character will be Aouda.
c) Then, the teacher writes the question on the board, entitled, “Desribe a major character in the novel”. She guides the students to identify the key words in the question by highlighting them.
d) Next, the students are asked to identify the suitable tense and some useful vocabulary to be used in the essay.
e) After that, the teacher illustrates on the board how the ideas are organized in the essay by using a mindmap and a brief overview of the paragraphs.
f) Next, the teacher illustrates how sentences for the introduction, the body of the essay and the conclusion are constructed by using the ideas that have been brainstormed in the mind map. She gets some students to stand up and give examples of sentences to signal the topic sentence, the elaboration, the example and the mini conclusion for each paragraph.
The notes could not be given as the teacher stressed more time to learn how to write the essay. The students had difficulty finding the 3 main ideas and suitable elaborations. But they remembered some useful examples from the novel. The teacher will need to do another essay with them on Friday next week in order to help them before the coming May examinations.

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